ACMEGS is excited to announce a new service available to Center Members - complimentary consultation with ACMEGS billing & regulatory consultant, Mr. Michael Longacre.
Each ACMEGS member Center is eligible for up to two (2) hours of consulting services annually on topics related to billing, reimbursement and regulatory issues as a benefit of their membership in ACMEGS. Additional consulting time may be provided by Mr. Longacre at cost to the Center Member, upon separate agreement.
Mr. Longacre writes a monthly "FAQ" feature for this newsletter which will be archived to the ACMEGS website shortly! If you or your colleagues have questions from which other Centers may benefit, please feel free to submit them directly to longacre777@msn.com.
To take advantage of your Center's complimentary consulting time, contact:
Michael Longacre
503 729-1886